Production OOO SPC Adhesive has its own full-cycle production. Our fleet of contemporary equipment makes it possible to produce all types of high-quality polyurethane, epoxy and hybrid compositions and a broad range of polyurethane elastomer products.
1997 year - Design, production and commissioning of the first filling plant. Starting producing PU elastomer products at the leased facilities.
2004 year - Acquisition of production building, designing, purchase and installation of the first units of equipment.
2007 year - Opening the production and warehouse premises.
2010 year - Starting producing highly filled compositions of polyurethane sealants.
2014 year - Modernizing the section producing polyurethane elastomer products, installation and commissioning of the new three-component filling machine PUMIX.
2015 year - Starting producing and packing of MS and STP sealants into the cartridges and foiled tubes.
2018 year - the acquisition of a new high-performance planetary dissolver for expanding the production of sealants and other products, the reconstruction of production and expansion of areas were carried out without interruption and with minimal loss of output.
2019 year - Acquisition and commissioning of new reactors, which significantly increased the production of glues, varnishes and other products.
The production complex of OOO SPC Adhesive has auxiliary equipment to implementthe necessary technological modes:
centralized compressed air vacuum and supply system
packing section to pack finished products into all container types: from plastic cartridge to IBC container
Quality of finished products is controlled in the industrial laboratory by all parameters determined by technical specifications and technological regulations.
Warehouse complex of enterprise provides multilevel raw material storage.
Three-shift working schedule of production facilities and the laboratory determines the rhythm of implementing the work plan and dispatch of products to customers.
Highly qualified staff makes it possible to successfully implement the most complex projects.